Visual and Musical Arts bring beauty into our lives. These stories explore and reveal the inspiration behind great artworks, the challenges to create them and their impact on the world.
For two centuries, a set of hanging tapestries depicting scenes from Britain’s 1588 battles with Spain’s great Armada were displayed in We...
Amidst the Spanish-Flu Pandemic, which impacted the world between 1918-1919, political cartoonists try to find a little humor despite all the bad news...
Once on the same side of conflict, following their 1939 Non-Aggression Pact, Hitler and Stalin would soon be at opposite ends of "The Great Patriotic ...
Parliament passes the Stamp Act, in 1765, and Colonial Americans rise-up in protest. Parliament repels it on March 18, 1766. Ben Franklin's cartoon dr...
Had D-Day occurred later in the month of June, 1944, things would have gone badly for the Allies. A massive gale swept through Normandy between the 19...
The title of this iconic photo, from the Stroop Report, visually expresses the terror of war.
Peter the Great decided to build a summer palace near the Gulf of Finland (part of the Baltic Sea). It is a sensational place.
In a nearby galaxy, known as the Small Magellanic Cloud, we can see the remnants of a supernova - a star which has exploded. It makes for spectacular ...
Caravaggio - whose birth name was Michelangelo Merisi - was born in 1571. He became a very famous painter in various European cities.
General Sam Houston suffered a serious injury in the battle which led to the surrender of Santa Anna.
Taps is a 24-note bugle call which marks one of two events: It signals that all unauthorized lights must be extinguished. This is the l...
Vincent Van Gogh found beauty in life. Through his paintings, he hoped to share this idea with others.