The Arts Story Briefs

Visual and Musical Arts bring beauty into our lives. These stories explore and reveal the inspiration behind great artworks, the challenges to create them and their impact on the world.

This broadside, from the 1860s and printed in Boston, was created to persuade people, especially young men, of the dangers of alcoholic beverages. It ...

Having passed through Inferno’s Gate, Dante and Virgil soon see a ship coming toward them.  It is helmed by Phlegyas, a ferryman on the Riv...

It is impossible for Bob Cratchit to stay warm in his office because Scrooge greatly restricts the amount of coal which is used to heat the place.

Excited about Christmas Eve, Bob Cratchit closes the office, at Scrooge & Marley, and joins a group of boys sliding on the ice.

Misery descended on Ireland during the years of the potato blight. Although only the potato crop failed, famine followed when healthy crops were expor...

During the Napoleonic Wars, in 1805, Britain fought against France in a naval clash known as The Battle of Trafalgar. Admiral Horatio Nelson employed ...

In 1667, a French pirate known as Franois L'Olonnais plans an attack on Maracaibo (a city in todays northwestern Venezuela). Disastrous consequences ...

Bob Cratchit and his family live in a part of London known as Camden Town. This image depicts an area of Camden during 1839.

A national treasure of Hungary, this illumination depicts the capture of Gyula. One of the accounts, which survives about this individual, tells us th...

On June 7, 1900, Carrie Nation walked into a Kansas saloon and starting smashing bottles of alcoholic drinks. Her first husband was addicted to alcoho...

Susan Anthony was berated by many different publications as she continued to fight for a woman's right to vote in America.

In ancient Greece, artists used vases in the same way as painters use canvases today. We therefore see great works of art, which survive from the anc...

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