The Arts Story Briefs

Visual and Musical Arts bring beauty into our lives. These stories explore and reveal the inspiration behind great artworks, the challenges to create them and their impact on the world.

Considered one of the greatest piano composers who ever lived, Chopin liked to perform for small, private audiences.

When people have a very contagious disease, how do doctors keep from getting sick, too?

General Sherman devastated Atlanta during his 1864 "March to the Sea.

England's National Day features St. George, the Dragon Slayer, who is the patron saint of many countries, including England. What is the story behind ...

The Hubble Space Telescope took this stunning image - click on it to appreciate its true beauty - which NASA describes as “Painting with oxygen ...

Still popular in the 21st century, Giuseppe Verdi's music is admired by both popular and classical music lovers. Learn about him (and listen to some o...

In "The Great Chronicle of France of Charles V," we learn - among other things - that during medieval times the people of France believed they may hav...

The artist Rita Greer has painted her interpretation of what it must have been like in London when people were fleeing the city during the time of "Th...

Scholars believe that Jules Verne patterned Captain Nemo on Gustave Flourens (1838-1871), a French revolutionary and writer. Who was he?

How did Gutenberg’s printing process work?  This engraving of the printing process, by Theodor Galle, is based on an earlier work - Nova R...

Around September of 1452, using his invention that changed the world, Gutenberg first released a publication from his movable-type printing press.

Gutzon Borglum - depicted in this image - is famous for the carvings at Mount Rushmore, but that project was not the first time the sculptor attempted...

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