The Kennedys Chapters

Although America has no royal family, for awhile "The Kennedys" came close. These stories reveal how members of this Irish-American family, and their spouses, impacted the U.S. and its culture during the last part of the 20th century.

Sirhan Sirhan shoots and kills Bobby and injures five others.

Robert Kennedy tells Russia it will take four or five months to remove US missiles from Turkey.

Lee Harvey Oswald works in Dallas. He knows the President's motorcade route will pass by the building in which he works.

The deaths of one black and two white freedom fighters goaded Congress into passing the first voting rights legislation since Reconstruction.

Top-secret study of America's involvement in Vietnam leads to many federal-government lies being exposed.

Facts about Bobby's fatal shooting are still in dispute today.

When JFK becomes president in 1960, he asks his younger brother, Bobby, to become U.S. Attorney General.

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