Tragedies and Triumphs Chapters

When horrific things happen, how a person responds can make a difference in the rest of one's life. In this collection, learn how some individuals triumphed in the face of unspeakable tragedies.

After he escapes his life as a slave-shepherd, Patrick tries to return back to his home country of Britain.

The Pilgrims try to worship freely in England before gathering in Amsterdam.

75 years ago - on 19 Feb 1942 - FDR signs Executive Order 9066 allowing military action against Japanese-American citizens.

Next in the history of flight is seeing how experimental planes perform under extreme conditions.

Evidence of the horrendous events and deaths that occur in labor camps comes from those who spent time in GULAGs.

Examine the facts and legends that surround St. Patrick's life.

"Conductors" are people who lead the slaves to safety; some include runaway slaves such as Harriet Tubman.

Chapter 4

Ludwig faces financial problems and has to find sponsors when his music cannot support him. He does his best not to become overwhelmed with worry.

A large number of firemen - 343 to be exact - die on September 11, trying to save people from burning buildings following a terrorist attack.

Sir Francis Drake sets old ships on fire to send towards the enemy; the Spanish panic, and the ensuing Battle of Gravelines uses up ammunition on both...

In today's society, the right to worship as one sees fit is law.

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