Tragedies and Triumphs Chapters

When horrific things happen, how a person responds can make a difference in the rest of one's life. In this collection, learn how some individuals triumphed in the face of unspeakable tragedies.

Read a poem about the life of Juan Ortiz, a 26 year-old first year Masters student in Civil Engineering.

Read a poem about the life of Julia Pryde, a 23 year-old first year Masters student in Biological Systems Engineering.


K2, the second highest and riskiest mountain to climb, is in the Karakoram Range.

Read a poem about the life of Professor Kevin Granata, an engineering teacher.

Africans are brought to the "new world" under inhumane conditions.

The Wright brothers win the race to develop the first heavier-than-air powered flying machine.

Traffic and bad weather prevent Pan Am 1736 from leaving the Tenerife airport.

The Japanese capture Zamp and Phil after 47 days. They are beaten and treated worse than animals. Zamp and Phil transfer to another prisoner of war ca...

The history of Lake Conemaugh and the South Fork Dam

The Underground Railroad poses incredible risks and uses railroad terms to keep the passages secret.

When slavery ends, many former slaves face incredible obstacles.

With his second wife, the white woman Helen Pitts Douglass, "The Old Man Eloquent" continues to live at Cedar Hill.

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