Tragedies and Triumphs Chapters

When horrific things happen, how a person responds can make a difference in the rest of one's life. In this collection, learn how some individuals triumphed in the face of unspeakable tragedies.

Helen Beatrix Potter was born in 1866 in London to wealthy parents who inherit large cotton fortunes.

Idolized by the public, Beethoven has a good life in Vienna.

Navajos enjoy themselves at fairs and gatherings, usually after the fall harvest.

Using data from bike shop experiments, the Wright brothers develop an aircraft that solves problems of flight.

Abraham Lincoln is known as one of America's greatest presidents, but what do we know about his "love life?"

Lionel Logue is a speech therapist who successfully treats King George VI's stammer.

Little Walt Disney Concert Hall, which contains his musical instruments is the name Ayers gives his portable cart.

Instead of allowing deafness to overwhelm him, Ludwig begins a period of prodigious and brilliant composition.

Read a poem about the life of Professor Liviu Librescu, an engineering teacher.

Louie joins the Army and drops bombs on Japanese from a B-24 bomber. The B-24 history is overwhelming in terms of crashes and loss of life.

After successfully vaccinating fifty dogs, Louis Pasteur and his team meet a young boy who was bitten by a rabid dog. They must decide whether to inno...

Madiba, as Mandela is affectionately called, forms a close friendship with Pienaar which lasts until Mandela's death.

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