Tragedies and Triumphs Chapters

When horrific things happen, how a person responds can make a difference in the rest of one's life. In this collection, learn how some individuals triumphed in the face of unspeakable tragedies.

Spencer West, a man without legs, uses his hands and his wheelchair to climb Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain.

When he is born on January 7, 1981, Spencer West has a congenital condition which will lead to amputation of both his legs.

Spencer West decides to launch a campaign to help African children get clean drinking water. He calls it "Redefine Possible."

Stalin, who succeeds Lenin, is unwilling to allow national patriotism to continue in Ukraine. He enforces repressive policies on the Ukrainian people.

The battle for Stalingrad is the deadliest battle in military history.

A German sharpshooter, Major Konings, is sent to take out Zaitsev.

The Great Depression is a time of unparalleled despair with people literally starving.

The Great Depression is a time of unparalleled despair with people literally starving.

The damaged Mayflower finds land, but continues south in order to reach the intended destination.

St. Patrick is honored every year on March 17th, his religious feast day and likely day of death.

With her father's support Susan B. Anthony fights against discrimination.

At Flossenburg, a Nazi concentration camp, everyone knew the words a soldier spoke to a condemned prisoner: Make ready and come with us. On Su...

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