Tragedies and Triumphs Chapters

When horrific things happen, how a person responds can make a difference in the rest of one's life. In this collection, learn how some individuals triumphed in the face of unspeakable tragedies.

As a young boy, Ludwig has a difficult life so he loses himself in his music.

The fall of Berlin provokes the end of the war, but there are still troubles ahead for the city.

View photographs from the U.S. National Archives of the birth of the World Trade Center.

Ireland's patron saint, St. Patrick, is born somewhere in Britain probably near the end of the fourth century.

Missionaries practice book censoring and burning as they seek to convert the Mayans.

After an opponent dies following a fight in 1743, John ("Jack")Broughton introduces boxing's first rules.

The Ancient Greeks support boxing as a sport when they include it in the Olympics as a early as 688 BC.

In 1935, the underdog Braddock fightschampion Max Baerfor the Heavyweight title and wins.

Mayes' Tuscan home is named Bramasole (English translation is "yearning for the sun").

Read a poem about the life of Brian Bluhm, a 25 year-old second year Masters student in Civil Engineering.

Sir Walter Raleigh's ship is the flagship of the British fleet, which is smaller than the 130 ships in the Spanish Armada.

Bulgaria, a communist country, is home to the Belene labor camp.

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