When horrific things happen, how a person responds can make a difference in the rest of one's life. In this collection, learn how some individuals triumphed in the face of unspeakable tragedies.
This image depicts page 4 of the letter which Kaiser Wilhelm II wrote to President Wilson during 1914.
This image depicts the fifth page of a letter which Kaiser Wilhelm II wrote to President Woodrow Wilson in 1914.
At the time of his marriage to Helen Pitts, newspapers reported that Frederick Douglass and his children disagreed about the propriety of that marriag...
What was it like for a fugitive slave who was trying to be free? We hear from one individual who lived in the hollow of a poplar tree for seven months...
President Lincoln gave the original of his Second Inaugural Address to Major John Hay, one of his secretaries. Many historians consider the spee...
Elizabeth King - a character in The Descendants - signed a "Living Will" before she was seriously injured in a powerboat accident. What is a "Living ...
Image from the British Law Courts Report by Lord Mersey. Click on the image for a better view.
Lt General John L. DeWitt recommended that Japanese-Americans be excluded from their homes in areas where their presence could be problematic during W...
Ever since Lusitania sank following a U-Boat strike, people have debated whether the great ship was carrying war materiel during her last voyage.
Nelson Mandela, known as "The First Accused" at the Rivonia treason trial, gave this opening statement (on his own behalf) at the beginning of the tri...
Why does the Orbiter perform strange maneuvers and banks to slow it down before landing? Other than its rocket-propulsion system, which the Shuttle...
A leaflet, containing the following words, was issued by the Command of Umkhonto we Sizwe on December 16, 1961. It acknowledge responsibility fo...