Tragedies and Triumphs Videos

When horrific things happen, how a person responds can make a difference in the rest of one's life. In this collection, learn how some individuals triumphed in the face of unspeakable tragedies.

The story of Beatrix Potter, and her relationship with Norman Warne, is brought to the screen by the Weinstein Company in a film entitled Miss Potter.

Although Vincent couldn't find a buyer for his paintings, they are extremely valuable today.

One of Beethoven's most-loved works for the piano is his "Moonlight Sonata." In this clip, we see it performed by Daniel Barenboim.

This video is a clip from Morgan Freeman's interview with Tavis Smiley.

In this clip - from the PBS documentary, "Eyes on the Prize" - Moses ("Mose") Wright tells what happened the night Roy Bryant and J.

This film provides a history of NASA's first decade and its role in space exploration.

In this 60 Minutes segment, entitled Mr.

In this video clip, Nathaniel Anthony Ayers plays the trumpet, then the cello, in a duet with Joanne Pearce-Martin, principal keyboardist with the Los...

Move the clip forward, to approximately 1:34, to see Robert Gupta - at the time the youngest member of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra - work w...

The Navajo people viewed their lands - including their mountains - as sacred.

Navajo children, today, still hear the stories about "The Long Walk" from their family members.

President Polk, believing in "Manifest Destiny," wanted to expand U.

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