Trials Chapters

Courtroom battles often produce sensational scenes resulting in curious spectators and endless news coverage. From ancient to modern times, trials attract significant attention. This collection explores some of the most-fascinating.

Mandela avoids the death penalty for a treason conviction; his sentence converts to life in prison at the Robben Island prison.

The Supreme Court finds Abrams guilty of sedition; however, the First Amendment today allows people to express their opinions (even when they're unpop...

The police catch George again, and he makes deals against Lehder and Manuel Noreiga. Pablo Escobar walks away.

James Donovan selected the Glienicke Bridge, connecting West Berlin with Potsdam (in East Germany) as the place to exchange Abel for Powers. It become...

Even after the jury finds him competent and guilty, Guiteau does not believe he will die for his crime.

During his trial, expert witnesses debate whether or not Charles Guiteau is insane.

In the medieval world, “The Devil” was sometimes depicted as a frightening character who visited someone who had died (among other things)...

Florie's marriage goes downhill, with money problems and abuse that James' addiction causes.

Dyer protests the harsh anti-Quaker laws and is caught, tried, and threatened with hanging.

Three methods of torture are very painful, the head crusher, the rack, and water torture.

Hoover leaves the work of capturing bank robbers to local police until Dillinger commits a federal offense across state lines.

Going against accepted standards, Howard Hughes asks the courts for the right to manage his family business before he turned 21. He won his case.

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