Trials Chapters

Courtroom battles often produce sensational scenes resulting in curious spectators and endless news coverage. From ancient to modern times, trials attract significant attention. This collection explores some of the most-fascinating.

Because Penn's jury refuses to agree with the government, they go to prison under inhumane conditions.

Gracie Budd and her family trust "Frank Howard" (Albert Fish) to take her to a children's birthday party, but she never comes home.

In an unjust trial, the revolting peasants are found guilty and put to death.

Desmond decides to sue the government to get his children back.

Police and news put evidence together to determine the kidnapping victim, Bobby, and the unidentified body in Indiana are the same.

The courts recognize the wrong in Japanese-American internment camps and overturn convictions. Decades later, the federal government makes an effort a...

Darrow is able to win over the judge who shows mercy to both Loeb and Leopold.

Even though the Puritans flee England for religious freedom, they do not allow others the same freedom of choice.

These two chapters reveal resources about the life and times of Joan

In 1957, nine black students, referred to as "The Little Rock Nine," are the first to attend an all-white school.

Lizzie Borden dislikes her stepmother and is accused of murdering her, with a hatchet, in the guest bedroom of the family's home.

Without Lizzie's inquest testimony, evidence against her at trial is circumstantial; although the jury acquits her, the community thinks she is guilty...

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