Trials Chapters

Courtroom battles often produce sensational scenes resulting in curious spectators and endless news coverage. From ancient to modern times, trials attract significant attention. This collection explores some of the most-fascinating.

The convention that nominates Greeley for president, and Susan's participation in it, are widely criticized.

Most do not want Greeley to win, and although he receives women's support, they cannot yet vote.

Captives on La Amistad fight back and take over the ship. Becoming free, however, is a much-more complicated process.

Judas betrays Jesus, and the soldiers arrest him without resistance.

An envelope emblem is Albert Fish's downfall, for it leads police to his boarding house for his arrest.

Judas betrays Jesus, and the soldiers arrest him without resistance.

648 plaintiffs join the lawsuit; add a claim to cover people who get sick in the future, and the lawsuit goes to trial.

As lawyers for both sides fought, the case grew. Eventually 648 plaintiffs joined the lawsuit. (That did not account for all the people who had lived ...

Leopold and Loeb lure Bobby Franks into a rental car where Loeb allegedly kills the young boy with a chisel.

The Supreme Court gets its own kind of veto power after Chief Justice Marshall's opinion in Marbury v Madison..

The English put Joan on trial for witchcraft, sorcery, heresy and for wearing men's clothes; they believe a teenage girl cannot beat them in battle.

Conspiracy charges against Mary Surratt, David Herold, George Atzerodt and Lewis Payne lead to a death sentence for each of the accused..

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