Visual Arts Documents

What does it mean when we say "art is in the eye of the beholder?" How have artists' subjects changed over the centuries? This collection features diverse art forms (from ancient mosaics to modern cubism).

Image of the Operation "Valkyrie" plans.

An American colonial newspaper, from the fall of 1765, reports that people in the British colonies (including those in Canada) were ignoring the stamp...

This excerpt from the Congressional Record reveals that Navajo Code Talkers, and their secret code, were so significant to the War in the Pacific that...

Image of Orville Wright's December 17, 1903 Diary Entry. Click on the image for a better view.

Image of Orville Wright's December 17, 1903 diary entry, page 2. Click on the image for a better view.

Image of Orville Wright's December 17, 1903 diary entry, page 3. Click on the image for a better view.

Image of Orville Wright's December 17, 1903 diary entry, page 4. Click on the image for a better view.

After the Wright Brothers successfully tested their Flyer at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Orville (Orevelle) sent a telegram to his father to share the...

This map, from the Illustrated London News, depicts the Pacific "border" of Japan's Empire - and the distance (3,379 miles) between Tokyo and Honolulu...

In this page from Milton Wright's diary - on December 15, 1903 - we see a reference to the telegram he received from his son (Wilbur) reporting the ab...

This text image depicts the first page of a patent issued to Nicolaus Otto on the 28th of June, 1887.  It awarded him the rights to a "Gas Motor ...

This map depicts the location of Pershing Square in downtown Los Angeles.  It is not far from Disney Hall. Click on the map for a better read.

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