Visual Arts Documents

What does it mean when we say "art is in the eye of the beholder?" How have artists' subjects changed over the centuries? This collection features diverse art forms (from ancient mosaics to modern cubism).

This image, from a study by Drs. E. Fuller Torrey and and Daniel Weinberger, depicts the brain scans of identical male twins, aged 28.  The scan ...

Among other things in his December 8th report, Hopkins notes - at page two - the FBI's efforts to get a confession from Deputy Sheriff Cecil Price: ...

In his December 8, 1964 investigation report, H. L. Hopkins - working for the Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission - reports that Michael ("Mickey...

This image depicts the front cover of Flu: The Story of the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and the Search for the Virus that Caused It, by Gina Kola...

In February of 1820, the U.S. Senate passed an amendment which would prohibit slavery in the newly purchased Louisiana territory.  An exception, ...

To resolve the issue of admitting Missouri as a "slave state," thereby ending the senatorial "balance of power" between "free and slave states," the S...

Image of the Slave Roster from the records of the Molly slave ship.  Maintained by the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, U.K. From the Unders...

This diagram details the subject matter of Michelangelo's paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.  It also provides a guide to the identi...

Six Days in October, by Karen Blumenthal, is intended to help children understand the Stock Market Crash of 1929.

Image of a drawing depicting a slave hanging by his wrists, awaiting the whip.  From The Underground Railroad, by William Still.

Arriving in South Carolina in the 1780s, a group of 250 Africans were slated to be sold at Ashley Ferry (outside Charleston).  This advertisement...

This illustration is entitled:  "Slaves Packed Below and on Deck."  When a slave ship named Zeldina was blown off course, near the Cuban coa...

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