Visual Arts Documents

What does it mean when we say "art is in the eye of the beholder?" How have artists' subjects changed over the centuries? This collection features diverse art forms (from ancient mosaics to modern cubism).

Page 2 of the investigation report into the Tacoma, Washington corruption scandal reaches a sobering conclusion.  The crime ring at work likely c...

Page from President Truman's Diary - May 18, 1952.  Click on the image for a better view.

This document (in rough-draft form) is part of a 45-page memo summarizing President Truman's discussions with his generals on the 18th of June, 1945.&...

This document depicts the second page of President Truman's 6 August 1945 press release regarding America's use of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima. He...

The Commission of Ulysses S. Grant as Lieutenant General of the United States Army, signed by Abraham Lincoln.

This illustration - from the 1852 title page of Uncle Tom's Cabin - is by Hammatt Billings.  It depicts the characters Chloe, Mose, Pete, Baby an...

This image depicts Union soldiers bridging the Osage River for General Fremont. Click on it to expand the view. In the Harper's Weekly issue of Novem...

This layout depicts the location of various ships at the U.S. Naval Base, Pearl Harbor, before war broke out in December of 1941. Click on the drawin...

  The United States Geological Survey has issued a statement, cautioning that Haiti - and the surrounding area - will likely sustain continuing ...

This September 11, 1963 memo discusses the impact of U.S. aid to South Vietnam: Subject:   Implication of Total or Partial Cessation of U...

The Kennedy Administration had sent "advisers" to Vietnam.  U.S. military people were "in country" to discuss things, not to take actions against...

When Theo's wife, Jo, edited the correspondence between her husband and his brother, she made a note about a July 23rd letter which Vincent did not ma...

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