Visual Arts Story Briefs

What does it mean when we say "art is in the eye of the beholder?" How have artists' subjects changed over the centuries? This collection features diverse art forms (from ancient mosaics to modern cubism).

Was General Eisenhower nervous or apprehensive, in any way, regarding the Normandy Invasion? He may not have expressed words, but he gives us a clue ...

After South Carolina rejoined the Union, African-American males could vote. More blacks were involved in government in South Carolina than in any othe...

Returning to the Earth's atmosphere, from a journey to space, astronauts aboard the orbiter see what they call a "light show." What causes that phenom...

The well-preserved remains of a young boy, referred to as the El Plomo Mummy, were discovered, in 1954, on Cerro El Plomo.

Living as an artist among other artists in Brooklyn, Emil Goldfus / Willy Fisher / Rudolf Abel became particularly close to Burton Silverman.

Henry Cole - a good friend of Queen Victoria's husband (Prince Albert) - was too busy to send personal Christmas greetings to his family, friends and ...

Years after a whale destroyed his ship, the Essex, Thomas Nickerson wrote a narrative and drew pictures about the tragedy. This facsimile depicts his ...

Although we know very little about the Etruscans from historical evidence, we can learn about them from their art.

The F-1 engine, five of which lifted the Saturn V rocket from Apollo 11's launch pad, had a complex ignition sequence which will be described here.

From Imperial Russia to a Midwestern American town, the Third Imperial Easter Egg has an amazing history.

Near the beginning of "A Christmas Carol," Ebenezer Scrooge walks home from his office. When he gets there, he thinks he sees the face of Jacob Marley...

In his oral history, Jack Delano tells us how he became a photographer with the Farm Security Administration.

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