Visual Arts Story Briefs

What does it mean when we say "art is in the eye of the beholder?" How have artists' subjects changed over the centuries? This collection features diverse art forms (from ancient mosaics to modern cubism).

Photograph depicting the desperate living conditions people endured during the Great Depression.

In his own country, Cornwallis came to be known as "the man who lost America." Learn why.

Born Hugh Smithson, Lord Percy was the 2nd Duke of Northumberland and a Member of Parliament. His half-brother willed funds to America which the gover...

Killing Louis XVI took very little time on the morning of January 21, 1793.

When he arrived at the place of his execution, Louis XVI spoke to the gathered crowd.

Although they lived in the same building - the Temple prison in Paris - the French royal family was not allowed to be together unless the revolutionar...

Image of a painting, called Louis XVI Writing His Will at the Temple, by Danloux Henri-Pierre.

Lt. General Holland Smith - pictured here, second-from-left and known to the men on Saipan as "Howlin' Mad" - was extremely proud of "my Marines.

The man whom Thomas Jefferson later described as "the principal hope of America's future efforts on the ocean" was born in a gardener's cottage on the...

This 1918 animation, by thefamouscartoonistWinsor McCay(1867-1934), depicts the 1915sinkingof the Lusitania, a ship of the Cunard Line.

History tells us that King Charles VI, of France, ultimately "went mad." In one episode, displaying his lack of reasoning, he turned on his own knight...

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