Visual Arts Story Briefs

What does it mean when we say "art is in the eye of the beholder?" How have artists' subjects changed over the centuries? This collection features diverse art forms (from ancient mosaics to modern cubism).

Achilles is extremely upset that Hector (Hektor) has killed Patroclus and grieves over the body of his dead friend and cousin.

Paul Fussell saw action in Europe during World War II.

This painting of Paul Gauguin (Man in a Red Beret) is attributed to Vincent van Gogh.

In 1798, Revere described his ride (and his capture) in a letter to Jeremy Belknap:.

This aerial photograph of Pearl Harbor was taken on the 30th of October, 1941 - about five weeks before Japan attacked the naval base.

This captured Japanese photo, taken by an attack pilot, depicts a huge burst of sea spray after a successful torpedo strike at Battleship Row.

Because the clouds have cleared on Sunday morning - December 7, 1941 - every pilot has an unobstructed view as hundreds of Japanese airplanes approach...

Image of a captured Japanese photograph taken on December 7, 1941.

Simon Bening created this illumination for the DaCosta Hours which was published around 1515. It appears for the month of November and depicts peasant...

The Romans had a preferred method of execution, known as crucifixion, which confronted victims with a tortuous way to die.

Margaret (Peggy) Shippen was nearly nineteen when she married Benedict Arnold.

This red-figure vase, from the 4th century B.C. It depicts an important story from ancient times.

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