Visual Arts Story Briefs

What does it mean when we say "art is in the eye of the beholder?" How have artists' subjects changed over the centuries? This collection features diverse art forms (from ancient mosaics to modern cubism).

In the 11th century, doctors made house calls. At the time, the purpose of medicine, as described by Avicenna in his "Canon of Medicine," was the "pre...

Together with his assistants, Pieter van Musschenbroek invents the Leyden Jar which allows scientists to store electricity.

Mattia Preti (1613-1699) - also referred to as Il Cavalier Calabrese - created this painting in 1663.

This painting, by Dr. Mike Haywood, recreates the moment of the Pilgrim's first landing in America. This is not the landing at Plymouth (Plimoth) whi...

William Brewster, one of the Pilgrim leaders, has previously visited Leiden (in The Netherlands) when he meets with the town secretary, Jan van Hout. ...

When Puritans arrived in America, they implemented the types of punishments they had known in Britain.

When Florence Bascom (1862-1945) attended Johns Hopkins University, to pursue a doctorate in geology, she had to sit behind a screen so male students ...

Stieg Larsson modeled Lisbeth Salander, in part, on Pippi Longstocking, a character created by Astrid Lindgren.

Before he became a pope, Giuseppe Sarto had a great deal of experience living among his parishoners. As Pope Pius X, he strongly opposed the outbreak ...

Determined that Marie Antoinette would be condemned to death, French-Revolution leaders put her through a trial on October 14, 1793.

The painting depicted in this image - another one attributed to Caravaggio and also entitled The Crowning with Thorns - is an oil-on-canvas which meas...

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