Visual Arts Story Briefs

What does it mean when we say "art is in the eye of the beholder?" How have artists' subjects changed over the centuries? This collection features diverse art forms (from ancient mosaics to modern cubism).

The United Kingdom did not have enough horses (or mules) even before America entered the war, so military officers bought more animals from Canada and...

This drawing was produced during the War of 1812.

During August of 1814, American forces were battling British invaders who entered Washington, then set fire to some of the capital city's key building...

This political cartoon - "Columbia Teaching John Bull His New Lesson" - was released during the War of 1812.

Image of a photograph depicting the inner city of Warsaw burning following massive bombing in September, 1939.

This image depicts a Warsaw Pact propaganda poster.

During the War of 1812, British forces captured Washington and set fire to some of the capital's key buildings. Then a tornado struck with interesting...

After Patriots forced General Howe and his fleet out of Boston, the Brits sailed into New York Harbor in June of 1776.

President Nixon always said he didn't know about a massive cover-up, but then a ''smoking gun'' tape was released. It led to the President's resignati...

Image of a political cartoon called Move over We can't stay in a holding pattern forever, by Herb Block and published July 29, 1973.

Wendell Smith - a reporter for the Pittsburgh Courier at the time Jack Robinson was playing baseball for the Kansas City Monarchs (a "Negro-League" te...

America joined World War I in 1917, nearly 2 years after the Guns of August began firing in the summer of 1914.

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