Visual Arts Story Briefs

What does it mean when we say "art is in the eye of the beholder?" How have artists' subjects changed over the centuries? This collection features diverse art forms (from ancient mosaics to modern cubism).

Beyond rationing gas for their cars, people helped in the war effort by removing their metal car bumpers and replacing them with wooden ones.

Lewis Wickes Hine took this photo of a workman - at considerable height - fastening bolts on a beam of the Empire State Building during construction i...

This view of the Koolau Range includes a triple rainbow arching over the highest points.

Learn how the world's first photo was made, then create a "selfie" using that same heliographic process.

When Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey combined their shows, they employedLillian Leitzel, one of the greatest circus performers of all time. Called...

In this image, depicting a painting by W.F. Yeames entitled “The Dawn of the Reformation,” we see John Wycliffe giving copies of his newly...

Xerxes, ruler of the Persian Empire, attempted to conquer Greece.

During war, people create art or compose songs to bolster public support for the fighting. This is an example from the Union's point of view.

According to the U.S. Army Center for Military History: "On 28 September these armies [the combined Franco-American forces] began siege operations, us...

Zachary Taylor, a war hero during the US/Mexican war, became America's 12th President.

Prisoners at Cabantuan who were deathly ill were cared-for at 0" Ward.

Zeus was the chief god of Ancient Greece. He was known, to ancient Romans, as Jupiter. What do we know about him?

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