Visual Arts Story Briefs

What does it mean when we say "art is in the eye of the beholder?" How have artists' subjects changed over the centuries? This collection features diverse art forms (from ancient mosaics to modern cubism).

The founder of AwesomeStories, Carole Bos, tells us how it all started and how AwesomeStories can help YOU!

How were Yapese people able to carry their extremely heavy stone money? By placing a pole through the center of the limestone disc which was specifica...

On June 7, 1900, Carrie Nation walked into a Kansas saloon and starting smashing bottles of alcoholic drinks. Her first husband was addicted to alcoho...

Susan Anthony was berated by many different publications as she continued to fight for a woman's right to vote in America.

In ancient Greece, artists used vases in the same way as painters use canvases today. We therefore see great works of art, which survive from the anc...

How did Charles Dickens, who released his famous Christmas story on 13 December 1843, become such a famous writer?

Francis Alexander, an American artist, painted this portrait of Charles Dickens in 1842.

This painting depicts Charles I with his wife, Queen Henrietta Maria (of France) and two of their children: Prince Charles, who later became King Char...

Charles Messier created a catalog of "objects" in the sky which professional and amateur astronomers still use.

Before Cesar Chavez dedicated his life to helping farm workers get a decent wage, field workers - including children - toiled long hours for unbelieva...

Children who helped to build Victorian Britain worked incredibly long hours.

American children held jobs in many industries, including the cotton industry during the early 20th century. This girl was a spinner at a South Caroli...

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