Visual Arts Videos

What does it mean when we say "art is in the eye of the beholder?" How have artists' subjects changed over the centuries? This collection features diverse art forms (from ancient mosaics to modern cubism).

Viewed from above, the ancient Nazca Lines of Peru are stunning.

At the beginning, the Tuskegee Airmen were not given much of a chance to participate in war zones (after they finally achieved the right to fly miliar...

This video clip depicts the beaches of Normandy - during the invasion and today.

This clip includes scenes of slave laborers, used by the Nazis, building formidable defenses in Hitler-controlled France.

German troops, along Normandy's beaches, did their best to resist the Allied invasion. This clip provides a German perspective of D-Day.

This historical footage depicts the Allied invasion from the German perspective, following the beach landings at Normandy.

A silent film by F.W. Murnau, which still defines the horror genre, Nosferatu was ordered destroyed by a British court.  Bram Stoker’s w...

Offshore Powerboat Racing can be a very dangerous sport.

In 1999, at the Deerfield Beach Offshore Race, TalkStory's Team Lazzara crashes two days after a hurricane stirred-up the seas.

Given their extremely large engines, and the speeds at which offshore powerboats can travel, it is easy for these machines to develop problems.

"Operation Shingle" was an Allied mission to land troops at the Anzio Beachhead, in Italy, during January of 1944.

Fifty years after Hitler's death and Germany's surrender, the BBC rebroadcast the original news as it was delivered on May 2, 1945.

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