World History Chapters

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

Three strokes of the axe take Marys head, and Elizabeth guarantees there are no relics and no proper burial.

Germany invades Belgium in 1914 based on rumors the French will fight Germany there.

During the middle ages, when feudalism was prevalent in Europe, a commoner remained a commoner throughout his or her life.

After Hitler's suicide, the war in Europe was over. During the final days of the Third Rheich, Nazis continued to harm concentration-camp victims, for...

As Bonhoeffer hanged from the gallows, American troops nearby already threatened the fatal blow to the Third Reich. As bodies burned in the camp's ove...

Ludwig faces financial problems and has to find sponsors when his music cannot support him. He does his best not to become overwhelmed with worry.

B-29 bombers drop fire bombs and napalm to burn Tokyo; see photographs of the destruction.

Sir Francis Drake sets old ships on fire to send towards the enemy; the Spanish panic, and the ensuing Battle of Gravelines uses up ammunition on both...

German Enigma operators sent their messages, via Morse Code, in groups of five letters. Polish cryptologists were able to intercept and understand the...

AnItalian team is the first to reach the second highest point on earth, K2, in the summer of 1954.

Governments ration food and many other items during both world wars.

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