World History Chapters

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

Virus hunters from Belgium, also known as "Disease Cowboys," arrive in Yambuku to begin investigating a killer, still-unnamed virus. They are on the t...

The Anglo-Saxon attacks are harsh and frequent and the Britons are not able to stop them.

Ireland successfully declares itself free.

Wolfe Tone becomes a political activist to stop British control of Ireland.

The Irish tenant farmer grows only one crop for both food and cash: the potato.

After Margaret's fall from power, she travels and lectures, then dies at 87.

There is no solid proof that the duel between Konings and Zaitsev occurs, but it is fact that the Russian snipers help win the war.

Historians are not sure if the duel is true or Russian legend.

The Ayatollah moves to France and begins to air his views in order to make his country into an Islamic Republic.

Giuseppe Mazzini believed that for Italy to be free of foreign domination, Italians would have to revolt. It was good timing, since revolutions were h...

In the early-to-mid 19th century, foreign powers controlled many areas of the Italian Peninsula. This led to revolutionary fervor on the part of Itali...

When Italy was totally unified, in 1871, the new country adopted a common language - Italian - which was only spoken by a very small percentage of the...

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