World History Chapters

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

Defeated in battle, Napoleon resigns, but he flees exile and comes back to continue the fight.

French power increases as Napoleon's armies conquer much of Europe, then decreases after France's disastrous 1812 invasion of Russia.

Neanderthals invent a type of adhesive (from birch wood) and use fire.

As the Armada nears Britain, negotiators continue to try to avoid war.

As a student at the College of Fort Hare, Nelson Mandela begins to experience racial bias.

How does the public learn about the Titanic tragedy? How careful are the news reporters?

Realizing he is powerless to stop the unrest happening in his country, Nicholas abdicates the throne for both himself and his ill son.

Realizing he is powerless to stop the unrest happening in his country, Nicholas abdicates the throne for both himself and his ill son.

Nicholas' wealthy parents die when he is just a boy and legend says he wants to share the money his parents leave him.

Although Nicholas is out-of-touch with the common people, he has the support of the aristocracy for most of his reign.

Although Nicholas is out of touch with the common people, he has the support of the aristocracy for most of his reign.

Despite the trauma Norwegians endured during the country's five-year occupation by Hitler's forces, one thing remained unchanged during those difficul...

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