World History Chapters

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

While waiting for Stalin to arrive, President Truman writes of the devastation in Berlin.

A series of unfortunate incidents cause the most deadly plane crash in history.

Churchill proves himself as he leads his country to victory, but is voted out of office in 1940.

Jesus predicts his own death, causing many to doubt that he is the Messiah.

Elizabeth is the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn; she receives a good education and can speak six languages.

Martin Luther has issues with the Church and thinks Purgatory is nothing more than a Church plan to get people's money.

Martin Luther thinks Purgatory is nothing more than a Church plan to get people's money.

Artwork shows Dante's words because many medieval people cannot read.

Today, the Catholic Church still holds that Purgatory is a place where a person's soul goes after death.

The day after Gravelines, the wind pushes the Spanish Armada into the North Sea; they have a chance to make landfall and fight towards London. Queen E...

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