World History Chapters

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

The tomb of Philip II reveals artifacts that show what life is like in the time of Alexander the Great.

Often royalty are the only people who can afford illuminated manuscripts.

Rudolf Abel, born in England and given the name Willy Fisher, became well-known as a Soviet spy when he was captured, in the US, during 1957.

Before 1995, no black players are members of the Springboks, South Africa's rugby team.

Although the Soviet Union never acknowledged that its policies caused the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33, Russia acknowledged it in 2003.

Hitler seeks to conceal the sinking of the Gustloff and a second German vessel.

Mary's Catholic supporters plot her escape and takeover of the English throne.

The Armada must return home by a northern route that takes them around the top of Scotland and down the rocky coast of west Ireland.

The Catholic Church makes Nicholas a saint and his feast day is the anniversary of his death: December 6.

Saint Nicholas of Bari is kind to children, protects sailors and gives generously of himself and his material possessions.

Huns are expert horsemen and can stand upright on a racing horse while firing deadly arrows.

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