World History Chapters

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

Nazis kill Bonhoeffer at Flossenburg concentration camp because he speaks against racial prejudice and is implicated in a plot against Hitler.

Nazis killed Bonhoeffer at the Flossenburg concentration camp because he would not be silent about the wrongdoings of Hitler and the Nazis.

A Soviet sub hit the Wilhelm Gustloff with three torpedoes.

In 1979, student protesters take over the U.S. embassy in Tehran and take hostages.

Japan surrenders on August 14, 1945, just eight days after the US drops an atom bomb on Hiroshima.

Lucas, Belon's son, describes living through the tsunami, the survivors, the hospital and rescue by his father and brothers.

The Nazis swear secrecy and follow a strict set of rules.

Zaitsev trains Tania Chernova, a female Russian-American, who seeks revenge against the Germans.

Disaster descended on Norway when the Nazis invaded, then occupied, the beautiful country for five years, beginning on April 9, 1940. This image depic...

In November of 1989, the people of Berlin tear down a wall which divides their city into East and West. Two years earlier, President Reagan leads the ...

Sometimes when the Earth's tectonic plates move, earthquakes occur or volcanoes erupt.

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