World History Chapters

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

As he transforms the USSR into an industrial powerhouse, Stalin will pay for his plans with Ukrainian grain.

Stalin's orders to take Ukrainian grain, between 1932-33, cause people throughout Ukraine to starve.

KLM 4805 requests and starts the take-off process without clearance.

As they investigate a deadly virus which is infecting and killing people in the Yambuku area of Zaire, investigators decide to name the virus after a ...

The CIA studies photographs showing the position of rail spurs, camp buildings, and vehicles.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his twin sister Sabine were born in Breslau, Germany on February 4, 1906. An extremely bright young man, he shocked his family...

There were not enough planes and guns to defend the Philippines from the Japanese.

Bombs strike the USS Arizona causing it to explode; 900 sailors die and the ship sinks.

Americans land on Utah Beach, one of five Normandy beaches attacked on D-day.

Vasily Zaitsev is one of the Soviet snipers who helps the Russians overcome the Germans.

The Raptor is agile and can inflict serious damage with its "sickle"claw.

Mt. Vesuvius's first "pine tree" eruption is now termed a "Plinian" event.

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