World History Chapters

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

By September of 1297, Wallace is able to amassa substantial army of men willing to fight for Scotland's freedom.

Scotland makes Wallace a Knight andGuardianof the country; however, he keeps that position for about 300 days.

Scotland makes Wallace a Knight andGuardianof the country; however, he keeps that position for about 300 days.

The English attack Joan's village and she sees horrible events before her family flees.

During much of Joan's life, the French and the English are actively fighting the Hundred Year War.

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution gives President Johnson the ability to escalate America's involvement in Vietnam, but America resists the draft and prot...

Kathe Kollwitz, a German mother and artist, creates drawings and sculptures that show her grief at losing her son during WWI.

Pliny the Younger witnesses the eruption as townspeople take refuge in their homes.

Modern scholars wonder if other diseases and bacteria accompanied the medieval-era plague, and that's why it was so infectious and deadly.

In this image we see John Cairncross as he appeared during his student days at Cambridge University. Photo online via Spartacus Educational website. ...

Learn about the Battle of Waterloo, which serves as the backdrop to "Vanity Fair."

Travel back in time to view plans and witness bloodshed in the Battle of Waterloo through annotated maps, drawings and paintings.

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