World History Documents

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

John Pine wanted to insure that the story told by tapestries hanging in the House of Lords, illustrating scenes from the Spanish-Armada sea battles be...

This image depicts the last page of a letter which Kaiser Wilhelm wrote to President Woodrow Wilson before World War I erupted.  It contains a KE...

This image depicts page 2 of the letter which Kaiser Wilhelm II wrote to President Wilson during 1914.

This image depicts page 3 of the letter which Kaiser Wilhelm II wrote to President Wilson during 1914.

This image depicts page 4 of the letter which Kaiser Wilhelm II wrote to President Wilson during 1914.

This image depicts the fifth page of a letter which Kaiser Wilhelm II wrote to President Woodrow Wilson in 1914.

Page from the autobiography of Olaudah Equiano (also known as "Gustavus Vassa, The African"). As conditions grew worse on the ship, kidnapped African...

When he learned about the Gunpowder Plot, King James offered to pardon anyone who was actually involved but who gave-up a fellow conspirator.  He...

Bookcover image of Kitchener: Saviour of the Realm, by John Pollock.

The United States military planned an invasion of the Japanese Home Islands, dubbed "Operation Downfall."  Initial landings would have taken plac...

This book tells the story of what happened on Palawan Island when Japanese commanders decided to kill all the Allied prisoners of war who had worked f...

Image of Lawrence Nowell's self-portrait from his 1564 pocket atlas.

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