World History Documents

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

A Naval Court of Inquiry was convened to determine whether the United States Navy, or any of its members, were responsible for America's failure to pr...

PROCEEDINGS OF NAVY COURT OF INQUIRY 341A witness called by the judge advocate entered. was duly sworn, and was informed of the subject matter of the ...

Benjamin Franklin writes an article for the January 1750 issue of "Gentlemens Magazine," published in London. It is the first-known publication discus...

Image of the newspaper announcing the death of Archduke Ferdinand.

This is a facsimile version of a contemporaneous newspaper account regarding the fate of the conspirators.  CLICK ON THE IMAGE FOR A BETTER VIEW...

The "Weekely Newes"—for Monday the 31st of January, 1606—contains a story of the arraignment, trial and execution of the Gunpowder Conspir...

Learn the story of how Nkosi Sikelele became part of South Africa's national anthem and meet the young man who wrote the song.

Image of a "Notice of Sale" for slaves from an arriving ship.

Image from the British Law Courts Report by Lord Mersey. Click on the image for a better view.

This translation of  Erhard Wetzel's letter to Heinrich Lohse - dated October 25, 1941 - was prepared by the Allies for use at the end of World W...

Image of the Operation "Valkyrie" plans.

This image depicts the original document President Truman prepared discharging General MacArthur from all responsibilities during the Korean War. ...

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