World History Documents

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

This book, which contains many Japanese primary-source materials, was edited by the co-authors of At Dawn We Slept (with the late Gordon Prange). ...

Britain imposed "Penal Laws" on Irish Catholics in 1704.  This image highlights some of the more onerous laws which adversely impacted Irish-Cath...

The author of Thermopylae: The Battle That Changed the World calls the stand of Leonidas and his men, at Thermopylae, "a suicidally defining stan...

This book - Thermopylae:  The Battle that Changed the World - provides in-depth background of the three-day battle.  It was written by Paul ...

Image of a pamphlet entitled Thoughts Upon Slavery, by John Wesley in 1778.  Founder of the Methodist church, Wesley despised slavery, particular...

Image of a newspaper notice, by the German Imperial Embassy, warning of potential attacks on ships near the British Isles.  This warning was date...

This timeline, from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, identifies the dates for key events leading up to Hitler's "Final Solution" of the "J...

  On the 1st of April, 1912, Oscar Scott Woody - an American Postal clerk - received travel orders to work in the "sea post office" aboard a Ger...

In the NOVA documentary, The Deadliest Plane Crash, First Officer Robert Bragg (who, along with the pilot and flight engineer survived the disaster) t...

Page from the autobiography of Olaudah Equiano (also known as "Gustavus Vassa, The African"). Here Equiano tells us what it was like to be seasick ab...

A graphical image depicting the line of Roman Emperors called Trajan, Hadrian and the Antonines. Click on the image for a better view.

This is the transcript from the Pan Am cockpit's voice recorder.  It ends with a scream from Captain van Zanten. 1701:57.0PanAm Radio(c/p) Ten...

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