World History Documents

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

Ancient Greece was not a single, unified country.  Instead, it was a country of strong city states (like Sparta and Athens) which were sometimes ...

This map depicts the location of other towns, outside of Port-au-Prince, which were damaged by the January 12th earthquake.  Petit-Goâve an...

This map - from US AID - depicts the areas most impacted by Haiti's January 12, 2010 earthquake.  Its key (at the lower left) explains color-code...

This image depicts the handwriting of Edward of Woodstock, later known as The Black Prince.  It is online, courtesy the British Library.

Image of the letter which Kaiser Wilhelm II wrote to President Wilson in 1914.

President Truman's staff prepared a daily account of his activities during the Potsdam Conference (in July of 1945).  This image depicts a page f...

Not only was Herodotus the "Father of History," he approached the entire subject from a different point of view - his own.  In his Histories, He...

Herodotus is known as the world's first historian and is often called the "Father of History."  He lived in the 5th century, BC. 

Official translation of Himmler's speech to a gathering of SS men in which he directly discuses the "evacuation" of Jewish people. In the speech he st...

Bookcover image of Petite histoire des ravages d'une méchante bête, by Laurent Fournier.

The Wilhelm Gustloff was part of Germany's "Strength through Joy" program.  In short, working-class people could take vacations aboard the ship (...

This is the first page of a CIA Report which discusses aerial photography of the Auschwitz-Birkenau area.  Click on the image for a better view.

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