World History Story Briefs

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

Emperor Meiji (1852 - 1912) was also known as Meiji the Great. He ruled Japan from February 3, 1867 to the day he died on July 30, 1912.

Theodora was one of the most-influential women of the ancient world. She was a champion of women's rights. She had laws passed which prohibited the tr...

Britain needs an effective warning system to alert the country if Spain sends an Armada of ships with invading soldiers aboard.

The Enigma Machine, which Germany used extensively during World War II, has a list of instructions on its inside cover. Have a look, with an English t...

Pablo Escobar loved the town of Envigado, which is located near the larger city of Medellin, Colombia.

Meet the real Erling Storrusten, the inspiration for Margi Preus' main character, Espen, in her novel "Shadown on the Mountain."

Thinking that he was only in danger if he were caught by the Nazis who occupied his country, during World War II, Erling Storrusten (a Norwegian) is s...

Although we know very little about the Etruscans from historical evidence, we can learn about them from their art.

The Euphrates River forms part of the boundary for the Fertile Cresent in Mesopotamia. It is still an important River flowing through today's Turkey, ...

Hacktivism - using digital technology to further political objectives for or against a topic - is a growing 21st-century phenomenon. What are its roo...

Although a single torpedo penetratesLusitania, she is in peril almost immediately when a second, massive explosion occurs.

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