World History Story Briefs

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

As Dante and his traveling companion, Virgil, continue their journey, they soon come to a place which looks like a cave in this engraving by Gustave D...

Gavrilo Princip, the assassin of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife (Sophie), is very ill. Knowing he will soon die himself, the young man's action...

The Gedrosian Desert, which presented insurmountable challenges for so many of Alexander the Great's men, still present an inhospitable environment.

A very inhospitable place, the Gedrosian Desert claims the lives of many people (and animals) who travel with Alexander the Great.

Worried that people would begin to doubt that Nazi atrocities had ever occurred, General Eisenhower ordered film makers and photographers to document ...

England's National Day features St. George, the Dragon Slayer, who is the patron saint of many countries, including England. What is the story behind ...

King George III, of Britain, is widely viewed as the man who "lost America." Is that a fair view?

Considered to be one of the greatest mountain climbers in the world, George Mallory was invited to climb Mount Everest after the end of World War I.

This is the King's Speech which George VI broadcast to his people in Britain, and throughout the Empire, immediately after Britain's Declaration of Wa...

Hitler decided that he wanted some of Russia's natural resources, particularly oil, so he sent his troops to conquer Soviet territory. Looking at a ma...

As Germany begins is April 1940 invasion of Norway, a German heavy cruiser arrives in Trondheim.

During their invasion of Norway, Hitler's troops arrive at Trondheim - in central Norway - on the 9th of April, 1940.

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