World History Story Briefs

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

London was devastated by the Great Fire of 1666, which began - in Pudding Lane - on September 2.

Thousands of years ago, the Great Library at Alexandria was "the world's first major seat of learning."  Some historians consider it "the birthpl...

During the Nazi occupation of Norway, German officials sent political prisoners and deportees to the Grini Prison and Concentration Camp (located near...

"Gulag" tells the story of Soviet forced-labor camps, and their prisoners, during the Stalinist age.

Scholars believe that Jules Verne patterned Captain Nemo on Gustave Flourens (1838-1871), a French revolutionary and writer. Who was he?

The Library of Congress owns one of three "perfect" Gutenberg Bibles printed on vellum (calf's skin).  The other two are at the British Library (...

In this image we see a castle in the town of Gyula, Hungary.  It is named after Gyula III, a Hungarian ruler.Gyula is located in the Great Hungar...

When the earthquake struck Haiti on the 12th of January, 2010, massive damage and loss of life were not limited to Port-au-Prince and its immediate su...

Ten years ago security cameras at the U.S. Embassy, in Haiti's capital city, recorded an earthquake during the afternoon of January 12, 2010. At the m...

Halicarnassus, home of Herodotus the historian, was also the site of a famous marble mausoleum - one of seven wonders of the ancient world.

Halloween has its roots in the Celtic people and their festival of Samhain (pronounced SAU-an). How do the scary parts of the holiday line-up with its...

The “Hanging Gardens of Babylon” are known as one of the “Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.”No one really knows where the Ha...

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