World History Story Briefs

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

John Pine wanted to insure that the story told by tapestries hanging in the House of Lords, illustrating scenes from the Spanish-Armada sea battles be...

John Pine wanted to insure that the story told by tapestries hanging in the House of Lords, illustrating scenes from the Spanish-Armada sea battles be...

Jos Flaugier created a portrait of Joseph Bonaparte, circa 1809. It is depicted in this image.

In 1938, Joseph Patrick Kennedy is appointed Ambassador to Great Britain - a position for which he'd heavily lobbied. He takes his wife, and five of ...

Julius Caesar sails to Britain from France, in 55 BC, and is initially met with men who are willing to fight against Caesar and his troops. Caesar lea...

This 19th-century illustration, called Caesar Crossing the Rubicon, is an artistic rendering of Julius Caesar's famous decision to defy Roman law.

The Karakoram Range near K2 (the world's second-highest mountain) provides scientists with unexpected tools to study the impact of climate change.

Kamehameha I - also known as Kamehameha the Great -went on to have a very successful reign before he died in 1819.

Katherine Parr, who was the last wife of King Henry VIII, was one of his few queens who kept their heads.

This map depicts the main locations on Kauai, "The Garden Island" (also called the "Island of Discovery").

Ken Taylor, Canada's Ambassador to Iran, risked his own life to help six Americans escape from Tehran during the Iranian Hostage Crisis. He was awarde...

A miniaturist, working around 1200 in the southern part of England, illuminated a commentary of the Psalms of David.  This image depicts a page f...

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