World History Story Briefs

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

This photograph depicts two Jewish women, in Paris, wearing the yellow Star of David.

Oil matters. Ever since mankind has used oil to fuel planes, cars, trucks and other vehicles, oil has been vital to growing economies. To power his vi...

Nelson Mandela met his friend and future law partner at the University College of Fort Hare.

For a time, during the ancient Olympics, special poems celebrated the prowess of the winners. Written by a professional poet named Pindar, the lyrica...

"A New India" was born in August of 1947 split into two along religious lines.

This photograph captures an early moment in the Liberation of Paris.

Count Victor Lustig, also known as Tricky Vic, used the Hotel de Crillon as a place to run his most-famous con: Selling the Eiffel Tower to a scrap de...

In 1925, Parisians - depicted here in the Montmartre area of the city - were recovering from the impact of WWI.

Even when it was first released, critics raved about this 1928 silent-film interpretation ofJoan of Arc, starring Maria Falconetti.

Paul Fussell saw action in Europe during World War II.

This captured Japanese photo, taken by an attack pilot, depicts a huge burst of sea spray after a successful torpedo strike at Battleship Row.

Because the clouds have cleared on Sunday morning - December 7, 1941 - every pilot has an unobstructed view as hundreds of Japanese airplanes approach...

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