World History Story Briefs

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

Princess Ruth Keelikolani (1826-1883) was a direct descendant of King Kamehameha I. Her first husband (who was Governor of Hawaii) died in a measles ...

Combatants in a military conflict try to win the hearts of the people with various types of propaganda.

This image depicts a marble bust of Ptolemy I Soter (305 BC282 BC), a close friend of Alexander the Great.

This letter, which is maintained by the Dutch archives in The Hague, provides some evidence that the Dutch West India Company purchased Manhattan Isla...

Learn the story of Purim - celebrated from sunset-to-sunset on March 23-24, 2016 - which dates back to an ancient event when Jews were saved from cert...

P.W. Botha (1916 - 2006) lived to be ninety years old.

Britain's Queen Mary - known as "May" to her family members - is pictured here with her six children.

Victoria and Albert find privacy on the Isle of Wight, but tragedy strikes when Albert dies at age 42. For years, the Queen stays out of the limelight...

Donna Rachele Mussolini had five children with her flamboyant husband, Benito. She, however, preferred to stay out of the limelight.

Since the age of 7, Rafe Sadler lives with Thomas Cromwell who provides the lad with an excellent education. Sadler grows-up to be a man of great weal...

Lt. Col. James ("Jimmy") Doolittle and his crew ran out of fuel after their bombing run over Japan's home islands.

Dostoevsky gives us clues where Raskolnikov lives, but not until his wife provided more information (after the author's death) can we be more certain ...

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