World History Story Briefs

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

Historians view Armand-Jean du Plessis, also known as Cardinal Richelieu, through differing eyes. To some he is a hero; to others he is a villain.

As Japanese troops continued their assault on the Philippines - in January of 1942 - Filipino and American troops did everything they could to deter t...

English settlers, on Roanoke Island, near the Outer Banks of today's North Carolina, disappear without a trace. Where did they go?

Image of a photograph depicting the statue of Robert the Bruce at Edinburgh Castle.

Robespierre dies, by guillotine, on July 28, 1794. During the French Revolution, he was known by his supporters as "The Incorruptible," but it was he ...

Rodrigo Lara Bonilla was Colombia's Minister of Justice when he was brutally murdered in 1984. Pablo Escobar was widely blamed for the crime.

When Rome "ruled the world," its leaders punished people with a very cruel form of execution known as crucifixion. While hanging on a cross, individua...

This image depicts members of the Uralsoveta (Ural Soviet) who were in power when the Romanov family was murdered.

In 1991, the first of two graves containing the suspected remains of Tsar Nicholas II and members of his family and household were officially opened f...

On the 17th of July, 1998, Tsar Nicholas II, his wife, three of his children and four of the family's helpers were buried eighty years after they were...

Ronald Millar - a playwright-speechwriter for Margaret Thatcher - played a major role in MT's rise to political power. Able to find "her voice," Mill...

Depicted in the film, Bitter Harvest, Ukraine (and its people) suffered a disastrous famine when government policies impacted food production and dist...

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