World History Story Briefs

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

Mexican President, Santa Anna, was considered a patriot by some and a traitor by others.

If General Santa Anna ordered a bugle to sound the signal "No Quarter," what did the Alamo defenders hear?

For nearly 50 years, scientists around the world have been thinking about, and searching for, a sub-atomic particle called the "Higgs Boson."Peter Hig...

Before Rome's legions left the Empire's province of Britannia - the country we know today as Britain - Saxon raiders were already terrorizing the loca...

About a thousand years after Scandinavians and Saxons began their invasions of Britain, Olaus Magnus (1490-1557) started work on his famousCarta Marin...

What is a scimitar? It is a weapon which, among other things, Alexander the Great's men used to fight against elephants.

Nikolai Sokolov, and his investigators, try to find the bodies of the Romanov family. Although he came close to the actual grave sites, Sokolov did n...

FDR wrote this secret message to Churchill in June of 1940.

Have you ever wondered what lies buried in the ground beneath us?

This image depicts a sculpture of Seneca the Youngerby Puerta de Almodvarin Crdoba, Spain.

Also known as the "African Emperor," Septimius Severus, a Caesar, rules the Roman Empire for nearly 18 years.

As Germany invades, then occupies, the country of Norway its people rise-up to resist Hitler and his soldiers. Teenagers, as well as adults, join the ...

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