World History Story Briefs

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

On the 21st of October, 1941, Alan Turing and three of his Station X colleagues wrote a secret letter to Prime Minister Winston Churchill. It caused a...

A virulent form of typhus, called ship fever, is often spread by lice. Ship fever claimed the lives of many Irish people who were onboard ships making...

This is the type of aircraft - a U-2 "spy plane" - which Major Richard S. Heyser flew over Cuba when his photos revealed the the USSR was placing miss...

James Montgomery Flagg created this 1917 lithograph as a magazine cover. It soon became used for other purposes, such as recruiting troops for both wo...

The flag of England is the Cross of St. George. That is just one part of the ''Union Jack.''

Following World War II, a Cold War developed between America and the Soviet Union. During that time, the U.S. and the U.K. continued to enjoy their ''...

In this image we see the USS Hornet (CV-8) soon after she was commissioned. She had a special relationship with the Doolittle Raiders.

The USS Hornet (CV-8) had a special cargo aboard during April of 1942. No one knew for sure if that special cargo - a group of airplanes - could actua...

About two months after the USS Maine exploded, in Havana's harbor, the U.S. declared war on Spain. All but one member of the Maine's championship-winn...

On December 12, 1937 Japanese forces in China attacked and sank this American gunship - the USS Panay (PR 5) - while it was anchored in the Yangtze Ri...

People have been exchanging Valentines for hundreds of years, but what do we know about the origins of this romantic Day of Love called "Valentine's D...

Thackeray's drawings, in his 1848 edition of Vanity Fair, tell us something about the way he views his characters (and Victorian society).

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