World History Story Briefs

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

Themistocles - an Athenian leader in 480 B.

Known for its music, Vienna is also known as the "City of Dreams."

Americans became very upset about the Vietnam War when they watched horrifying scenes on their television screens.

Budapest is one of the most popular cities in the world. How did it get its name?

This image is from the October 10, 1846 issue of the London Pictorial Times. It illustrates a time of despair in Ireland, during what has come to be k...

Domenikos Theotokopoulos (1541-1614), a famous painter better known as El Greco (“The Greek”), painted several views of the Spanish city o...

Viking artifacts, found in the UK, suggest that Vikings had a trading post - and maybe a settlement - particularly on the island of Anglesey.

In northern Scotland, about thirty miles north of Inverness, archeologists believe they have found evidence of a monastery raided by Vikings.

Anglesey, island off the coast of Wales - recently made more famous because the Duke (Prince William) and Duchess of Cambridge lived there - is a plac...

Uncovering Viking ships is like unearthing Pharaonic tombs. And uncovering Viking ancestry, via the Human Genome Project, is just as interesting.

In 793 - about six years after commencing raids - Vikings (probably Norwegians) invaded England. Were they seeking to plunder only - or - did some of ...

Although Vincent van Gogh could not sell his own paintings, today his art work sells for millions of dollars. This story is about his painting called ...

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