World History Story Briefs

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

Historians believe this painting, by Michael Sittow, depicts the young Catherine of Aragon.

Before she was a Russian ruler, Catherine the Great was the daughter of a minor German prince. Then Empress Elizabeth picked Sophie to marry her heir,...

César Gaviria Trujillo was the intended target when Pablo Escobar ordered the downing of Avianca Flight 203 on November 27, 1989.

In ancient Greece, artists used vases in the same way as painters use canvases today. We therefore see great works of art, which survive from the anc...

Bitterly disagreeing that his country should surrender to the Nazis, in June of 1940, de Gaulle was an outspoken critic of the Vichy regime.

Bitterly disagreeing that his country should surrender to the Nazis, in June of 1940, de Gaulle was an outspoken critic of the Vichy regime.

Chiang Kai-shek was head of China's Nationalist Party and the country's leader when Japan invaded China's heartland during 1937.

Children who helped to build Victorian Britain worked incredibly long hours.

This image - of children working in Britain's coal mines - is from an 1842 report prepared by Lord Ashley (Anthony Ashley Cooper), later known asLord ...

This image depicts how a ceremonial shield, made of gold and ivory, appeared when it was first discovered at the Tomb of Philip at Vergina.Believed to...

"I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat." -Winston Churchill

The town of Tyrenear today's town of Sor (in Lebanon)was part of the Roman world.

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