World History Videos

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

Part 3 of the animated version of Shakespeare's Macbeth.

Ferdinand Magellan (a Portuguese sea captain sailing for Spain) had an important goal when he left the town of Seville on the 10th of August, 1519: Fi...

Sailing in caravels, which are very uncomfortable, Magellan and his men encounter bad weather. Then they see "St. Elmo's Fire." Maybe something good...

Weeping for joy, Magellan realizes he's found a fabled passage when his ships sailed into the Pacific (from the Atlantic).

Magellan and his entire crew are devastated by hunger, thirst and foreboding. Their food and water is contaminated. The men are reduced to eating ra...

After Magellan dies, his remnant crew returns to Spain, completing the world's first circumnavigation. Extremely ill, the men do not realize their car...

In June of 1924, George Mallory and Andrew ("Sandy") Irvine (two British mountaineers) hoped to reach the top of Mt.

While he was in prison, on Robben Island, Nelson Mandela read The Diary of Anne Frank.

In this clip, narrated by Morgan Freeman, we see historical footage depicting tensions between black and white South Africans.  The video demonst...

In 1857, and before, British rulers in India used local soldiers (called "Sepoys") to supplement Britain's army on the subcontinent.

Victorious in the Falklands War, Margaret Thatcher addresses her party conference in 1983 - the year the Conservatives won another national election.

Britain's Prime Minister is required to respond to questions put by Members of Parliament.

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