World History Videos

Whether it's people, places or events which fuel "the news," the fabric of our lives is impacted by world events. This collection features stories from ancient to modern times.

It was said, after Mary was executed at the Castle of Fotheringhay, that her lips continued to move for fifteen minutes after her head was separated f...

Francis Walsingham, a key advisor to Queen Elizabeth I, created a trap for Mary, Queen of Scots.

Mary, Queen of Scots had a good first marriage, but it ended when her young husband - Francis II, King of France - died.

Henry VIII had a troubled marital history which impacted his country and his children.

This documentary - entitled The Atom Strikes!

Knights jousting, on magnificent horses, was a hugely popular sport during the middle ages.

What was life like at the time of the real Dracula, a man known as Vlad Dracula (or, Vlad Tepes)? He lived during the time of great Ottoman conquests,...

When the mood of the people turned against Mossadeq, during the 1953 coup, he was arrested and his home was ransacked. This clip, which includes hi...

Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq became Iran's Prime Minister in 1951.  A nationalist, he wasted no time in carrying out his plan to protect his country's...

Joseph Goebbels, in charge of propaganda and enlightenment during Hitlers rule of Germany, wanted movies which told good stories - in addition to film...

In occupied Holland, Dutch churches issued a collective protest against the treatment of the country's Jews.

Leni Riefenstahl made this documentary based on the Nazi Party Congress, held in Nuremberg during 1934.

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